
Hello there! Thanks for checking out my blog. I’m using my new little corner of the Internet to chat about clothes and baking. Cupcakes and frills. Cookies and bows. Necklaces and scones. What they have in common for me is the ability to bring joy and think creatively. I hope you’ll join the conversation!

When it comes to how I dress, I’ve had many mornings with “nothing to wear.” Even with a closet full of clothes with lots of ruffles, bows and pretty details. So every day, I will wear something I love – just because I love it. My goal is to put together outfits that make me look pulled together and (mostly) polished and feel happy.

And speaking of happy, is there anything more delightful than a freshly baked cookie? Or cupcake? Or a beautiful cake, with fancy piping and confetti sprinkles? I enjoy taking sweet and savory ingredients and turning them into something delicious to share with friends.

Ruffly and Sweet will be my experience editing, measuring, evaluating, trying, making mistakes and making discoveries – both with my wardrobe and my baking.

So feel free to chime in. Let me know what you think or share ideas. Or just say hello – I’d love to get to know you!

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